Thursday, September 25, 2008
Kyle and upper level low one

Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ike considerably strong
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ike has made it to the Gulf of Mexico

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Ike still moving on; Josephine struggling
Ike is still weakening
ike takes landfall; something forming in atlantic
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Ike almost at landfall

Then, Ike will take landfall into Mississippi as a cat. 2. Well, just because I say it will hit into Mississippi doesn.t nessecarilly mean that only mississippians should leave. In fact, if Ike landfalls into Mississippi, most of the wind will go into Alabama because the winds of a hurricane always goes fastest 90 degrees clockwise of the direction of travel. However, Ike possibly won't do that, but I know it will landfall into that area as a category 2, no higher and no lower.
Ike has weakened

Ike continues on; Josephine strengthening

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Extra sorry!

Hanna, in he meantime, has finished landfall. Hanna won't do anything more serious as it weakens rapidly. However, Ike is forecast to do Quite a bit of damage over the next couple of days, but as it does so, it will weaken sharply down to a category two hurricane, but as it moves out of that area, Ike will strengthen a humongus amount; a category four hurricane (again).
Anyway, as it moves through the gulf of Mexico, it will encounter an incoming front off the coast of the Florida panhandle, that is slowly moving east. That will hopefully not, but forecast to do so anyway, make a direct hit into Tampa, Florida. That did happen with Tampa only once, the city has been pretty lucky over the past double century. Anyway, as Ike will continue to move over land and either weaken or strengthen, I don't know, I did see a hurricane strengthen over the florida peninsula. That happened in 2005 when Wilma absoluley turned Naples, Florida, into bomb remnants. I feel so sad for those victims.
As Ike becomes Extratropical, it won't do any damage, period, to any other land areas. Maybe Bermuda, but not that much. That's all I have for today. Oh yeah, one more thing, on the map every dot is six hours apart.