Bill is now a hurricane of 90 mph, and is strengthening rapidly. I expect it to turn into a category five and then come close to Bermuda, so close that it might actually hit bermuda and come ashore with 135 mph winds, Category 4 force. This will probably happen in about five days. If it does this, I will give hour by hour coverage. I repeat, Bermuda has a Hurricane advisory. You might want to plan where you evacuate; and fast if you haven't even started yet. Make sure you have 3 days or more of inperishable food and water. Also, if you are in the storm, and a person just happens to go through the window (from the other half, this only happens if the eye is over it and it moves away suddenly and gets caught in the wind), and has no pulse, it is possible to save that person with a defibrillator. Keep away from windows, because a window that is not covered by wood is asking for pricey fixes, and instant death.
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